Tuesday, January 8th
My dear people, let us love one another, since love comes from God and everyone who loves is begotten by God and knows God
1John 4:7

Your love for others is My life in you which is one with your life in Me. As the heart and mind of the beloved child of the Father are open to receive the love which I yearn to give, so do I pour into them the love which is My Very Self. This is the witness of Our saints, and Our holy ones bear witness to Our Presence. For as I give I come, and not Myself only but the Father and Our Blessed Holy Spirit. Such are the perfected ones in and through Our saving, sanctifying love. But all who love bear witness to Our Presence by little or by much according to the measure of their giving.

And all are one in Us and We in them, and the loving and the self-giving is their life in Us and Ours in them. By little or by much the Father's Kingdom grows according to the measure of the loving We are the love: Our giving is Our loving. Become Our love in others through your loving and Our giving.