Sunday, January 13th
John looked towards Jesus and said, "There is the Lamb of God". The two disciples heard him say this and followed Jesus … They asked Jesus. "Rabbi, where are you staying?. "Come and see." He replied … Jesus said to Philip, "Follow Me."
John 1:39

Believe and know that the truth is there to be found and understood. Desire it. Respond to it. Such is the meaning and the purpose of love: as it is given priority in life and living so is there growth and maturity in heart and mind and spirit. The desire and commitment to it, as it is discovered, are all that are necessary to find and walk in the way of truth in time and eternity. Every soul which desires and pursues it is found by it and filled with knowledge and understanding in the process of time and experience, strengthened, guided, perfected, and brought, in the fullness of time, to the Father's Presence.

I am the way to the Father's Presence, the truth and the meaning of all things, the life which enables the search and the progress in the way to the Father.

Look towards the truth, desire it, follow it wherever it leads. So will you be led, empowered, filled in the way of Our Love. So is it with each and every beloved child of the Father whoever lived in every race, tribe and faith.