Monday, January 14th
Jesus said to Simon and Andrew, "Follow Me and I will make you fishers of men"
Mark 1:17

As each beloved child of the Father follows Me so is he possessed by the love which is the very substance of My Being. So Our light guides and directs, Our life empowers. And from that centre in the Father's child I minister to others in the Father's world. So was it in the days of My life on earth. So is it now and ever shall be until time ends.

Even in the darkest days I minister in hope: I lead and teach, I heal and comfort, quicken into life, inspire. And all is done through children of the Father's love who look and listen for His expressed will, receiving from My hands the means of ministry in the power of love.

So never cease to follow, however falteringly the steps are taken. Be faithful in commitment, always giving thanks for all the blessings you receive, the love which is Our Very Self. Then will you be the means through which the many find the Father's love.