Thursday, July
Jesus said,
happy are your eyes because they see.
And your ears for they hear ! I tell
you solemnly , many prophets and holy
men longed to see what you see and
never saw it, to hear what you hear
ad never heard it
The children of the Father were
designed for joy before time was
. And the loving purpose of His
eternal will works and I work continually
to reveal to each and every one
the joy and mysteries of the eternal
Before the time of My incarnate
life there was a yearning and a
looking for that which the Father
purposed. And since the days of
My time on earth all who have accepted
the fruits of My death and resurrection
look for a sharing of those fruits
with all who accompany them in their
human pilgrimage.
But many there are who seek to
destroy both the light of knowledge
and understanding of the faithful
and the faithful themselves. Such
destroy only themselves, and the
heart of the Son of the Father bleeds
continually for them.
The faithful in love shall abide
forever in the joy of eternal life.