Wednesday, July 26th
Jesus said, "Listen, anyone who has ears!"
Matthew 13:9

Listen to the message which is continually being spoken by the Father in the lives of men and women committed to Him in the power and love of Our Holy Spirit.

Look within to the message imprinted on your heart and mind from childhood onwards , showing the right path in countless ways and circumstances.

Look at the beauty of the world, constantly renewed, continually changing : look at the abundance and variety of the fruits of the earth which the Father has bestowed upon the children of men for their sustenance.

Consider the potential of the human mind which the Father has created for the understanding of the world and for delight in it.

Dwell in the love which the Father reveals in and through the manifestation of His love in all things.

And listen to the Word the Father has spoken through the Incarnate life of His Son and through the Redemption and Sanctification and Indwelling.

Listen, look, consider, glorify and rejoice.