Tuesday, July
When Jesus
saw the crowds He felt sorry for them
because they were harassed and dejected,
like sheep without a shepherd. Then
He said to His Disciples,
"The harvest is rich but the
labourers are few,
so ask the Lord of the harvest to
send labourers to His harvest"
So is it now and so often has it
been in the history of mankind.
The Father has called many to teach
and train and tend .but today as
never before there is not the response.
There was never a time when the
need was more urgent. There are
so many false trails to finding
the Kingdom and so many false prophets.
Pray for the enlightenment of the
many and the emergence of the few
whom the Father is calling to show
the way.
Think, pray, work, as it is given,
every child of the Father who is
alert and alive to His love and
leading. Look to His purpose and
seek to be more and more committed
to it. For there is nothing in the
world more searching or demanding
and fulfilling. Time is not unlimited.
Each one of the Father's loving,
beloved children will be required
to give account as to the measure
of responsibility and commitment
taken. All will be judged in love
and mercy and justice.