Saturday, July 15th
Jesus said, "Anyone who does not take up his cross and follow Me is not worthy of me …..anyone who loses his lie for my sake will find it"
Matthew 10:38-39

The world created by the Father was perfect in design and concept. But inevitably, when choice was given to the sons of men, suffering followed in the wake of rebellion, self gratification and the many manifestations of sinfulness.

I bore the cosmic weight and depth of pain to redeem every man who accepts My offering from the consequences of sin. The cross is but the physical and material symbol of a process so profound and so embracing that no human mind or heart can ever conceive.

Yet each child of the Father who takes to himself the challenge which the Father's love presents, and accepts My redeeming act for himself, is called upon to share in the salvation of the world as it is shown and offered him. By caring and sharing and identifying twith he pain and suffering of those around, both near and far, he takes up his cross and follows, loses his life and finds it.

So does he find joy and fulfilment. So may he hope one day to hear the words of reward: "well done, thou good and faithful servant……"