September 29th
St Michael
and All Angels
7:9-10,13-14.Rev.12;7-12. John 1:47-51
The angels of the living God praise
and glorify their Lord and King
on earth and in the realms of everlasting
life and joy and beauty. Arise,
clothed in light, sons and daughters
of your loving heavenly Father;
arise, shine, for your light has
come and the glory of the Lord has
risen upon you’. (Isaiah 60:1
Angels, archangels and the whole
company of heaven unite in love
and joy and enfold the faithful
and the true of heart in their protecting,
healing wings, according to the
Father’s will and loving purpose.
For ‘are not all angels ministering
spirits in the divine service, sent
to serve for the sake of those who
are to inherit eternal salvation?’
(Hebrews 1:14)
Protected, healed and offered the
Father’s word, all continuing
faithful in the Way are given insight,
understanding and power to follow.
And the Father’s Word brings
strength and perfection in His glorious
Presence in eternity.
‘Bow down to the Lord in the
splendour of holiness and dance
in His honour, all men on earth’
(Psalm 96:9)