Sunday, September 11th
Exodus 32:7-11. 1 Timothy 1:12-17. Luke 15:1-32

Those who turn from light and life and love bring upon themselves their own destruction and, unless they turn and let our redeeming, sanctifying love enter their heart and mind and thus respond to the challenge love makes, they are lost in the darkness of their own making. It is written ‘every beast in the forest is Mine, and the cattle upon a thousand hills’ (Psalm 50:10). The Father, Lord Most high, loves all that lives and moves and has its being for He created all that is or was or ever shall be. How much more will He love and cherish, protect and sustain His beloved sons and daughters! But all are free to follow the path of their own choosing.

All have sinned and fallen short of the Father’s will for them, but all repenting are received back into the fold where they belong but from which they have wandered.

Let one and all repent, return and rejoice with all in the Father’s Kingdom of Eternal Life and Light and Love. ‘And to the eternal King, the undying, invisible and only God be honour and glory for ever and ever’. (1 Tim. 1:17)