September 23rd
3:1-11. Luke 9:18-22
How can the right use of time
be known save through walking in
the Way and seeking Truth in all
things, and through receiving Life
the Most High offers to all who
pray to know His will and do it
in the grace and power of His Love?
All may ‘comprehend the work
of God’ (Ecc. 3:11) in the
context of their life and living
who walk in faith and trust and
identify with the self-giving of
the Son of Man.
‘In quietness and trust shall
be your strength’.(Is.30:15).
Follow in the steps of the Son of
Man through Love’s indwelling
and the light and guiding of Our
Holy Spirit. Through My life and
death and My risen life you are
redeemed and sanctified in and through
Our Holy Spirit.
‘The life of a Christian is
nothing but a perpetual struggle
against self; there is no flowering
of the soul to the beauty of its
perfection except at the price of
pain’. (Padre Pio. (1887-1968).)