Friday, September 16th
1 Corinthians 15:12-20. Luke 8:1-3

You know that the Father’s Word Incarnate, His beloved and loving Son, lives powerfully in the Father’s world, for you experience His love, His constant Presence, and His enabling and empowering according to the Father’s will and loving purpose. I speak to all who respond to the Father’ Word in the grace and power of Love’s indwelling and the light and guiding of Our Holy Spirit.

There is no god but God, no way or truth or life save in and through His Love Incarnate who – with and through Our Holy Spirit – saves and sanctifies and brings into the Father’s Kingdom of eternal Life and Light and Love, progresses, perfects, fulfils, and brings to the fulness of His Presence in eternity.

Through response and obedience to the Father’s Word and trust and faithfulness in His Love, all born into the world continuing faithful in the Way become His true sons and daughters and members of His Kingdom of Eternal Life and Light and Love, in fellowship with all made perfect in the grace and power of our redeeming, sanctifying love, and given power to glorify the Father, Lord Most High, in the fulness of eternity.