Saturday, June 18th
2 Chronicles 24:17-25. Matthew 6:24-36

The Father, Lord Most High is love and power and glory and He seeks to draw to His nearer Presence all the sons and daughters of His love born into His created world who turn to Him. Each one who accepts His love and reflects His Being and His Presence is given power to serve Him in His world in the grace and power of His love. Each one is free to accept or refuse, all accepting become members of His Kingdom of eternal life and light and love and make progress in the Way as they continue faithful and obedient to His word in and through the power of Love’s indwelling.

Seek the Father’s will and loving purpose in all you think and say and do that We may bring you to His Presence and empower you in His service: in quietness and in confidence shall be your strength’.( Isaiah 30:11). ‘Be still and know that I am God’. (Psalm 46:10. )