Friday, June 17th
2 Kings 11:1-4,9-18.20. Mathew 6:19-29-23

Life and Light and Truth are the Father’s gifts to all responding to His Word in faith and trust and absolute self-giving in the grace and power of Our redeeming , sanctifying love: ‘let your light shine before others so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father in heaven’,

Life is given by the Father to all that lives and moves and has its being, eternal life to all who give themselves to Love’s indwelling and the light and leading of Our Holy Spirit.

And Truth is given as it is sought in and through Our loving Holy Spirit, with power to follow in the way We lead and guide to all continuing faithful in and through Our love. I, the Way, the Truth, the Life make all things well in the Father to the obedient to the Father’s Word and faithful in Our love. (Matthew 5:16. N.R.S.V.)