Tuesday, September 22nd
Ezra 6:7-8, 12, 14-20. Luke 8:19-21

The Lord your God reigns in heaven and earth: the wills of sinful men and women He redeems and sanctifies through His Incarnate Word and the purifying of Our Holy Spirit. But this needs must be required by each and every one who seeks Truth and Life in the Way the Father leads and guides the obedient to His Word and faithful in His love.

The Son of Man, the Father’s Word and Love Incarnate, came into the Father’s world not to be served but to serve and to give His life as a ransom for many’. (Matt. 20:28, Mk. 10:45. Luke 9:50++). The Word of the Father is Truth: obedience to His will and loving purpose and power in the Way are given to all who follow as they are led and guided by Our Holy Spirit in the grace and power of Our love.