Thursday, September 10th
Colossians 3:17-27. Luke 6:27-38

You have nothing save that which is given you by the Father, Lord Most High. You were nothing until the Lord your God loved you into being and offered you light and light and truth that you might know and love Him in and through His love and fulfil His loving purpose in you and in His world.

Pray constantly that the love of the Almighty Father, Lord Most High, fill your whole being that you may glorify Him, witness to His love and become His love to others through Love’s indwelling and the light and guiding of Our Holy Spirit.

The Son of Man, the Father’ Love and Word Incarnate, is the Way, the Truth, the Life. As you abide in Me and I you so is the Father glorified, His will shown and you are progressed as you continue faithful, and you are brought into His Presence with all you love and pray for in and through the grace and power of His Love.