Sunday, September 13th
Isaiah 50:5-9. James 2:`14-18. Mark 8:27-35

Be strong in your commitment to the Father’s will and loving purpose, firm in your willingness to offer all you have and all you are to Him who loved you into being and who has poured down upon you blessings and such good things as have made your living fruitful and enjoyable and united you with many in friendship and in love.

‘Faith is the substance of things hoped for’, but ‘nothing comes from nothing’. (Hebrews/Shakespeare). As you identify the needs of others ask Our loving Holy Spirit to lead and guide you into ways and means of ameliorising their condition according to the Father’s will and loving purpose for them, for you – for one and all.

I, the Father’s Word and Love Incarnate am the Way, the Truth, the Life: anyone who loses his life for My sake and for the sake of the Gospel will find it.