Tuesday, January 31st
St. John Bosco
Ephesians 4; 4-9. Matthew 18:1-5

All that you have and all that you are were given you by Him who loved you into being. Pray to understand this in the depths of your heart and mind, for knowledge of the Father’s will and power to do it in the grace and power of Our love.

As it is for you so it is for every one of the Father’s beloved sons and daughters. All are children of His love and He continually seeks to draw them to His Presence though and in His word, His love and His constant call and challenge in their life and living.

Follow in the steps of the Son if man in faith and trust and absolute self-giving. I, the Father’s word and love incarnate am the Way, the Truth, the Life. I am in the Father, He in Me and I have overcome the world. Abide in me that I may fill you with Our Presence and become Our peace and joy to others.