Monday, January 30th
2 Samuel 15:13-14, 30 16:5-13. Mark 5:1-20

All are accountable to the Most High for the well-being of their family friends and neighbours as far in them lies and according to their heavenly Father’s will and loving purpose. But they are accountable too, for their response to those who reveal hatred, jealousy or bitterness towards them. Through My indwelling and the light and guiding of Our Holy Spirit offer a loving response to every sign of hostility which some might call righteous indignation. As you abide in Me and I in you so does Our love reach out to others who will receive it. Pray that Our love may overcome all hostility, bitterness and misunderstanding in individuals, communities and peoples in the Father’s world.

I commanded My Disciples to love one another and so I command you. I, the Father’s love incarnate and his incarnate word, lived and died that all might receive the Father’s love and so fulfil His loving purpose in His world. Love, and be loved, then, through My indwelling and the grace and power of Our Holy Spirit.