Tuesday, January 17th
Ephesians 6:10-13, 18. Matthew 19:16-26

The power of the Most High is offered to all who seek His will and loving purpose in their heart and mind and life and strive prayerfully to be faithful and obedient to it.

The Father’s protective, challenging love is for all: each one receiving it is given the means of perfection and fulfilment in the end in and through the grace and power of 0ur redeeming, sanctifying love to fulfil the good purpose of the Father’s perfect will in His life and witness.

Be constantly open and ready to receive what the Father yearns to give to every one of His beloved sons and daughters – His word and His love. I, His word incarnate and his incarnate love, was born into His world in time that all receiving Me might have eternal life and be brought to the Father’s Presence to serve and glorify Him in time and through eternity through Our love in them and their faith and trust in Us and their absolute self-giving.