Thursday, January 12th
1 John 4:19-5:4. Luke 4:14-22

There are no laws greater or more binding than the two requiring you to love the Lord your God and your neighbour as yourself. And they are not two but one, bringing all obedient to the Father’s will and loving purpose to union with Him and fellowship with one and all in His world. Moreover that one commandment gives power to love in faith and trust and self-giving to all obedient and faithful in the Way.

Pray to know and understand this with the fulness of your being and to be alert and ready to respond in receiving and giving through My indwelling and the light and guiding of \our Holy Spirit.

I, the Father’s word incarnate and His incarnate love, am the Way the Truth, the Life. I am in the Father, He in Me, and all who are in Me and I in them are in the Father too. All who are in Me and I in them witness to the Father’s love and increasingly become and do what the Father wills as they continue faithful and obedient in Our love.