Wednesday, January 11th
1 John 4:11-18. Mark 6:45-52

You love your friend and neighbour and those you meet in your coming and your going as you desire their well-being and as you are open to the Father’s will for yourself and others. The smile, the timely gift and the kind help given when it is needed witness to Our love within your heart and mind and fulfil the good purpose of the Father’s perfect will in His world.

Is it not written ‘God is love and anyone who lives in love lives in God and God lives in him’? I, the Father’s beloved and loving Son, His word incarnate and incarnate love, am your love both for the Father and for your brother and your sister near and far. It is also written ‘abide in Me as I abide in you…….those who abide in Me bear much fruit. Love one another’’ As I spoke in My incarnate life so do I speak now to each and every one born into the Father’s world. Pray ‘maranatha’ in faith and trust and absolute self-giving.