Tuesday, September 20th
Andrew Kim Kaegon, Paul Chong Hasang and Companions, Korean martyrs

All born into the world are sons or daughters of the Most High: conceived in love they are brought forth to live in love for Him and one another. But all are free to choose or to refuse the word offered - to build or to destroy in the Father’s world.

The faithful and obedient in love and self-giving are given to witness to the light within their heart and mind through My indwelling and the guiding of Our Holy Spirit. Many have followed and many follow now in the steps of the Son of Man who was obedient, even unto death, to the Father’s will and loving purpose for them and for His world. Those whom the world call dead are alive now in His Presence and glorify Him in joy and thanksgiving and praise.

Identify with the Son of Man, the beloved and loving Son of the Most High, His word Incarnate and incarnate love. Renounce self constantly and offer all you have and all you are to Him who calls you to obedience to His will and faithfulness in His loving purpose.