September 13th
St. John
Ephesians 4:1-7, 11-13. Mark 4:1-10
Through the Father’s love
which called you into being, created
and is constantly creating you,,
My redeeming and – with and
through Our Holy Spirit’s
sanctifying dynamic - you are gradually
brought to perfection and fulfilment
in the will and loving purpose of
the Father as you continue faithful.
Work with the power which challenges
and empowers you to follow in the
way as you are led and guided by
Our Holy Spirit.
The grace and power which may be
found in all obedient to the Word
and faithfully committed in Our
love is constantly bringing the
Father’s Kingdom in His world
to the fulness of His loving purpose.
Each one and all committed to His
will have their unique and corporate
contribution to offer through our
indwelling and the light and guiding
of Our Holy Spirit.
Pray that the good purpose of the
Father’s perfect will be fulfilled
in you and in His world in time
and eternity.