September 10th
1 Corinthians
1:15-17. Luke 6:43-49
The great and inexhaustible riches
of the love of the Most High are
revealed through His Son and the
power and glory of His infinite
compassion. I, His beloved and loving
Son, am His saving love in His world
and the means of entry into life
eternal and progress in it according
to His will and loving purpose.
I am in the Father, He in Me: the
Father and I are one : all who are
in me and I in them are in the Father
too through the grace and power
of My indwelling.
As I fill heart and mind of all
obedient to the Father’s word
and faithful in His love so do I
reach out to others in His glorious
world, seeking to bring all who
seek truth and progress in it to
fulness in the Father in and through
Our Holy Spirit. Build prayerfully,
lovingly and faithfully on the rock
of My indwelling Presence.