Wednesday, September 14th
Triumph of the Cross
Numbers 21:4-9. Philippians 2:6-11. John 3:13-17

All life and light and truth are from the Lord of all creation, father of all that lives and moves and has its being, preserver and redeemer through His Word and in the grace and power of His love.

The sons and daughters of the Father’s love are called, enabled and empowered – as they respond –to enter in the joy, perfection and fulfilment of His Kingdom through My self-giving life and triumphant death.

I, beloved and loving Son of the Lord Creator, became the Word Incarnate and Incarnate Love that through My death and risen life all faithful to the Father’s word and obedient in His love might have life in abundance both now and through eternity,

Then enter in the joy and fulfilment of your Lord Creator’s loving purpose. Follow in the footsteps of the Son of man in the grace and power of Self-Giving Love.