Wednesday, November 9th
Wisdom 6:1-11. Luke 17:11-19

All power is with the Lord of all creation. From Him all good things come and they are given to the sons and daughters of his love for their perfection and fulfilment and to fulfil His loving purpose in His world.

All receiving them need first to thank their heavenly Father for them and then to pray that they may be used in faith and trust and in absolute self-giving to the Father’s will in the grace and power of His love.

Through response to the Father’s word as it is offered is the way, the truth, the life and life eternal. The word is power to save and to progress in all that is given to do and to become. But the word is challenge too: all receiving it are required to let it lead, enable and empower in the Father’s will and loving purpose. “Well done, thou good and faithful servant” are the glorious words of the Most High to those who have continued faithful to the end.