November 13th
11:10-13, 19-20. 1 Thessalonians 5:1-6.
Matthew 25:14-30
All gifts, material and spiritual,
are from your heavenly Father, Lord
of All. He gives to all according
to His loving purpose. Nothing was
ever known to come from nothing.
He who gives is not only the bounteous
giver: He is the Gift as well.
All who give themselves to Love’s
light and leading are shown the
way as they continue faithful, given
the means and offered fellowship
with others so committed.
The time to respond to your heavenly
Father’ loving care and caring
love is now and eternal life is
now for all who give themselves
to Love’s indwelling and the
light and guiding of Our Holy Spirit.
Be watchful, them, alert to the
Master’s word, prepared to
respond in the grace and power of
His love.