Saturday, November 12th
Wisdom 18:14-16., 19:6-9. Luke 18:1-8

The Lord your God is with you and with all who seek obedience to His Word in the grace and power of His Love. As He has entered in the world of His creation through His beloved, living Word, so does He come to all who seek and seeking find and finding give themselves to Him in faith and trust and commitment in the way We lead and guide, enable and empower.

The Lord your God invites you daily to come into His Presence – I speak to every one of His beloved sons and daughters. I, His Love and Word Incarnate, guide the faithfully committed in Our love to glorify Him and pray to know His will through My indwelling and the light and guiding of Our Holy Spirit.

Be steadfast in your constant prayer and continual offering of yourself and all you think and say and do to His ordering of your way in all things.