Tuesday, November 1st
All Saints
Apocalypse 7:2-4,9-14. 1 John 3:1-3. Matthew 5:1-12

The peace which passes knowledge and the power which is the Presence of the Lord of All is offered to all who give themselves to Him who seeks to draw them to Himself to make them part of His great cosmic, loving purpose. All, all are called, each one in the uniqueness of their selfhood and all together in the fellowship of love: the redeemed and sanctified are already in the Kingdom of eternal life, many living now and countless numbers making progress towards the glorious King of kings and Lord of lords and the fulness of His Presence.

All life is challenge, death the gateway into the reward of that challenge made to one and all according to the loving purpose of the Most High, father of every one born into the world.

Day by day the Father’s will is offered to each one of His beloved sons and daughters who seek to follow in the way as they are led and guided by Our Holy Spirit. I, the Father’s word incarnate and His incarnate love, am the Way, the Truth, the Life, the Son of Man who came and comes to bring you to the Father both now and through eternity.