March 9th
Ash Wednesday
3:12-18. 2 Corinthians 5:20-6:2
Let no hour pass which is not offered
to the Father’s will and loving
purpose, no moment not committed
to His mercy and His love. He will
cleanse and direct your heart and
mind as you offer all you have and
all you are – and all you
are becoming - to Our redeeming,
sanctifying love. I, the Father’s
Word and Love incarnate, call every
one of His beloved sons and daughters
to His glorious Presence in the
grace and power and challenge of
his love.
Through My indwelling and the light
and guiding of Our Holy Spirit you
will become and do all your loving
heavenly Father invites and enables,
and He will fulfil in you the good
purpose of His perfect will.
Receive and give, give and receive.
So will the joy and faithfulness
and power of obedience be yours
as it is for all the faithful and
obedient in Our love.