March 20th
12:1-4. 2 Timothy 1:8-10. Matthew
The light of the glory of the Lord
Creator shines on the face of he
Incarnate Word and lights the way
of all who seek truth and life and
power to walk in it. I, the Way,
the Truth the Life, am the appointed
Word of the Lord of all creation,
spoken to the sons and daughters
of His love that they might see
and know and experience the grace
and power of His love and enter
in the glory of His Being.
In faith and trust offer all you
have and all you are and all you
are becoming to the Most High in
the grace and power of My indwelling
and the light and guiding of Our
Holy Spirit. Have I not promised
that all who seek will find and
shall have the door opened to them?
You will copiously receive according
to the Father’s will and loving
I am the Light of the world, the
Way, the Truth, the Life to all
who seek and follow as they are
led and guided by Our Holy Spirit.