March 29th
3:25,34-43. Matthew 18:21-35
One law only do I offer every one
of the Father’s beloved sons
and daughters; obey it and be faithful
to it in the spirit of its purpose..
As you love the Lord your God with
every fibre of your being so will
you be empowered to love your neighbour
as yourself in the grace and power
of Love’s indwelling. ‘In
returning and rest shall you be
saved ; in quietness and trust shall
be your strength’ ‘Thou
wilt keep Him in perfect peace whose
mind is stayed on Thee because he
trusteth in Thee’. The covenant
is fulfilled in Love.
Be totally committed in love and
in self-giving to Him who is the
Ground of your being. Love progresses,
redeems and sanctifies the humble
and the true of heart who receive
the Father’s Word and are
faithful and obedient in and through
His Love.