Friday, March 11th
Isaiah 58:1-9. Matthew 9:14-15

Respond to every challenge made to what you have and what you are: everything you have is given you by the Father for your progress in eternal life and for service in His Kingdom according to His will and loving purpose. Seek His will in all things with open mind and heart, ready and willing to contribute to the well-being of others as you are led and guided by Our Holy Spirit.

I, the Father’s beloved and loving Son, came into the world at His behest to save and, with and through Our Holy Spirit, sanctify all who seek to follow in the way appointed – that Way the Truth and Life – in absolute self-giving and in faith and trust and love.

I came and I come that all might have life in abundance through the death of self and life in the Incarnate Word in the grace and power of Incarnate Love.