Saturday, January 8th
1 John 5:14-21. John 3:2-30

All who live in Love in and through the grace and power of Our Holy Spirit witness to truth as they increasingly reveal the presence of Incarnate Love within their inner being. Love challenges and judges, saves and, with and through Our Holy Spirit, sanctifies and leads to perfection in the Presence of the Most High in the fulness of eternity.

The light which lightens every one born into world of the Most High reveals all sin, especially the sin lurking in the deep recesses of the heart and mind. All who turn from sin and give themselves to Love’s indwelling become true sons and daughters of their loving heavenly Father and witness to the joy and power of His Being through their becoming and their doing in the world of continual creation and of recreation in Love.

The peace of the Most High is in all who give themselves to Love’s indwelling.