Friday, January 14th
Hebrews 4:1-5, 11. Mark2:1-12

Let each and every one in the Father’s glorious world listen to the truth continually and constantly offered. Let them consider it both alone and in the fellowship of meeting and respond as they are led and guided by Our Holy Spirit. Let there be humility in following and generosity in sharing and let them grow in the knowledge that as they are sons and daughters of their loving heavenly Father so are they brothers and sisters of the one and many near and far.

Enter in the truth offered to all who listen to the Father’s word; turn, repent of all sin and culpable failure to respond, in love and in self-giving. I, the Father’s word and love, am the Way, the Truth the Life. Come that you may have life abundant through My indwelling and the light and guiding of Our Holy Spirit. I am in the Father, He in me: the Father and I are one.