Monday, January 10th
Hebrews 1:1-6. Mark 1:14-30

Let it be known and fully understood that since time began the creator and sustainer of all He creates speaks to one and all He in His whole creation, calling for response to His word in the grace and power of His love. The natural world responds through the nature of its being, the sons and daughters of His love through turning, receiving and walking in the life and light offered them in the grace and power of Our love: such is Our Holy Spirit and I the Word Incarnate.

Through My life and death and risen life I reflect the glory and the power of the Lord of All and I bring all who are in Me and I in them to the fulness of Him who calls them to His Presence in time and through eternity.

Turn constantly to hear, receive and respond to the word spoken. Follow faithfully as you are led and guided by Our Holy Spirit. And remember, I, the radiant light of the Father’s glory, am with you to the end of time.