Saturday, January 15th
Hebrews 4:12-16. Mark 2:13-17

The Incarnate Word, love and power in the created world, is one with Him who created all things and the means of re-creation and fulfilment in the Lord of All. The will and loving purpose of the Lord of All is to bring the whole redeemed and sanctified creation into His glorious Presence at the end of time.

Let heart and mind, then, be open to receive the word of the Most High and respond in faith and trust and absolute self-giving through the grace and power of The Incarnate Word and the light and guiding of Our Holy Spirit.

Follow in the steps of the Son of Man and be ready to accompany Him through Gethsemane to Golgotha: readiness is all and willingness to follow as We lead you in the way and enable you through Our indwelling and your faithfulness in love and in self-giving.