December 17th
St. Anthony
6:10-13m18. Matthew 19:16-26
All born into the Father’s
world are sons and daughters of
His love, called to perfection according
to His will and loving purpose.
All are offered the word of truth
and the power of love to progress
in the way and to identify their
special place in the eternal family
of His love and in His Kingdom of
eternal life, in time and through
Pray constantly to progress in
love and in self-giving. Love grows
in heart and mind by what it feeds
on: the Father offers His beloved
Son, His word incarnate and His
incarnate love, to all who seek
to follow as they are led and guided
by Our Holy Spirit. I am the Way,
the Truth, the Life and I bring
all who are in Me and I in them
to the Father and to fulness and
perfection in His will and loving