April 7th
32:7-14. John 5:31-47
It is not in anger that the loving
heavenly Father responds to the
sin and failures of His beloved
sons and daughters but in sorrow,
sadness and compassionate love.
He reaches out to one and all to
save and sanctify through His word
and in His love each one and all
together who seek to follow as they
are led and guided by Our Holy Spirit.
Pray constantly for knowledge and
understanding of the Father’s
word and for power in His love to
continue faithful in the way according
to His will and loving purpose.
In returning to the Word you will
be saved from sin and failure, in
patient waiting on the Father’s
will and obedience to it is your
strength and way forward. Follow
in the steps of the Son of Man:
I am The Light of the World; I am
The Bread of Life. Follow Me.