April 1st
6:1-6. Luke 8:9-14
Commit your whole self –
body, mind and spirit – to
the truth as you identify it in
your inner being. You and every
one of the Father’s beloved
sons and daughters are thoughts
in the Father’s heart before
creation and He looks for blossoming,
fruition and harvesting in the Kingdom
of His love.
Through My indwelling and the light
and guiding of Our Holy Spirit the
Kingdom of eternal life and love
is established in the Father’s
world and countless numbers are
ceaselessly entering it and progressing
in it. So has it been since time
began and shall be until time shall
All who respond to the truth in
the grace and power of the Father’s
love are welcomed into His eternal
Kingdom and brought to perfection
and fulfilment in the Father’s
glorious Presence the fulness of