April 12th
21:4-9. John 8:21-30
Receive truth as it is offered
to you. Follow in the way as it
is opened up to you. So will you
have eternal life with power to
progress and come to perfection
and fulfilment through it. I speak
to all who seek and give themselves
to the Father’s will and loving
purpose. As I am lifted up in heart
and mind so do I draw in My love
and through Our Holy Spirit all
who turn from sin and self and give
themselves in faith and trust to
the Father’s love incarnate,
His incarnate word.
I and the Father are one: all who
are in Me and I in them are in the
Father too, with and through Our
Holy Spirit. I save and sanctify
all who invite Love into their inner
being and respond as they are led
and guided by Our Holy Spirit.
Seek the Father’s will and
loving purpose in all you think
and say and do. So will We bring
you to fulness in eternal life in
the glorious Presence of the Lord
of All.