Wednesday, April 20th
Isaiah 50:1-9. Matthew 26:14-25

At the door of the mind and heart of each one born into the Father’s world I knock - I, the Father’s Love Incarnate and His Incarnate Word. I speak the word of life and light and love to each and every one of the Father’s beloved sons and daughters. To all the word is spoken: let one and all respond.

The response of the faithful in Our love and obedient in the way is informed by Our Holy Spirit as the truth is received through the grace and power of My indwelling. Truth challenges each, indicts or leads and strengthens in the way according to the response made.

Respond to the Father’s word in faith and trust and absolute self-giving. Follow in the steps of the Son of Man that He may fulfil in you the good purpose of the Father’s perfect will; so will you progress in life eternal in fellowship with the faithful of all times and places and come to the glorious Presence of the Lord of All.