Saturday, April 16th
Ezekiel 37:21-28. John 11:15-56

I, beloved and loving Son of the Most High, Lord of all creation, His word incarnate and incarnate love to all born into the world, am the Shepherd to one and all in time and through eternity. I gather into the Kingdom of eternal love one and all who seek truth and power to follow in the way as they are led and guided by Our Holy Spirit.

I am the Light of the World; all who follow Me shall not walk in darkness but have the light of life. I am the Way, the Truth, the Life: all who follow in the grace and power of My indwelling and the light and guiding of Our Holy Spirit shall have life and light and love in abundance.

Let one and all be challenged, empowered and inspired by the Father’s Word, purified and sanctified and progressed in life eternal in His all – embracing, comprehensive love.