Tuesday, February 9th
1 Kings 8:22-23, 27-30. Mark 7:1-13

Be assured that all prayer offered to the Father in faith and trust, in love and self-giving, is received and blest according to the Father’s loving purpose. And all who pray are strengthened and progressed in the grace and power of Our love, for the dynamic of His loving word is the power to fulfil all that He wills and purposes.

And it is the eternal, loving purpose of the Father to bring all things and all His beloved sons and daughters who respond to His word and are faithful in His love to fulness and perfection in His Presence as they continue faithful in the way. The laws of love are challenging and stringent, defined in the words of Holy Scripture: “ love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, and your neighbour as yourself”.