Sunday, February 28th
Genesis 15:5-12,17-18. Philippians 3:17-4:1 Luke 9:28-36

The Lord your God, creator of all things in heaven and earth and source of all things good and beautiful and holy, calls one and all born into His world to know and love Him and to serve Him in the joy and power of Hs Name.

I am the Father’s word of light and life, of truth and of plenteous redemption. Conceived before time was, brought forth before creation, I entered human life according to the will and loving purpose of Him who is and was and ever shall be, The pattern of perfection in humanity, I bring perfection and fulfilment to all who are in Me and I in them, and to the glorious Presence of the Lord of all creation, in the fulness of eternity. And if the way is sometimes challenging and daunting so was it for the Son of Man who, with and through Our Holy Spirit, rejoices in the glorious Presence through time and in eternity.