Sunday, February 7th
Isaiah 6:1-8. 1 Corinthians 15:1-11. Luke 5; 1-11

The Lord your God is King over all the earth and ruler of His whole creation. Myriads of spiritual beings attend Him constantly and angels continually praise and glorify Him. So has it been from the beginning and shall be through all eternity.

The Word of Love spoken before time was or anything created became the Lord God’s Word Incarnate and Incarnate Love to offer entry into the Lord God’s glorious Presence in the fulness of eternity and membership in His family of eternal life and light and everlasting love to all who would receive it.

Each and every one born into the world is called to enter in the Kingdom of the Lord of all, become a member of His family of the faithful in Our redeeming, sanctifying love of all times and peoples;and each is called to love and service of the Lord of all through Our indwelling according to the will and loving purpose of the Lord of all the earth and ruler of the whole creation.