Wednesday, February 3rd
St. Blase
Romans 5:1-5. Mark16: 15 -20

Through faith and commitment in Our redeeming, sanctifying love you are brought into the joy and glory of Our Being according to the Father’s will and loving purpose – as you continue faithful. And you are offered a way of return and recommitment in the way as you fall short of your high calling. I am The Way, The Truth, The Life, the Father's Word Incarnate and Incarnate Love. All who are in Me are in the Father too: I died that all might have life and have it in abundance. Identify with My life and My death through My indwelling and the light and grace and power of Our Holy Spirit.

See how in ages past the one and many faithful in the way and in the Father’s loving purpose have brought knowledge of His saving love and healing in the name of Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Pray that the Father’s will and loving purpose be increasingly fulfilled, His word and love increasingly received.