January 27th
10:1-10. Mark 3:31-35
Sacrifice and Law were
necessary in the lives of
the one and many and they
built up a people designed
to receive the Father’s
Word Incarnate and Incarnate
Love. To them He came: though
they did not receive Him
yet, through the obedience
and faithfulness of one,
all born into the world
may receive eternal life
according to the Father's
will and loving purpose.
I, the Father’s Love
Incarnate and His Incarnate
Word, sought the Father’s
will in all things in My
life and ministry and was
obedient to it in all things.
So do We call each one of
the Father’s beloved
sons and daughters, and
all families, communities
and peoples, to seek and
so to receive in the grace
and power of Our redeeming,
sanctifying love.