January 18th
Samuel 3:3-10, 19. Apocalypse
5:1-10. John 1:29-34
It is written “to
obey is better than sacrifice
and to heed than the fat
of rams”. Listen,
then, and respond. Let mind
and heart be open to the
truth revealed to all who
seek and the whole being
offered to the loving purpose
of the living God: I speak
to one, I speak to all.
I, Who have been one with
the Lord Creator since before
time was or anything created,
have become His re-creative
love to His whole creation.
I entered in His world in
time and redeemed it through
all eternity. Each one born
into the Lord Creator’s
world is called into the
Presence and the service
of Eternal Love, the creator
of all in earth and Heaven.
The unveiling of this glorious
mystery is given to all
responding, and empowering
to all who give themselves
to it and trust in the grace
and power of Our love.