January 15th
3:7-14. Mark 1:40-45
“Be still and know
that I am God”: the
word so spoken is the word
revealed to all who listen
and respond by opening heart
and mind to their Lord Creator.
The message is of continuous
creation in which you have
a part as you desire the
Father’s will and
seek to be faithful and
obedient in the way.
You and all born into the
Father’s world are
called to be a vibrant part
of the Father’s glorious
purpose through Our redeeming,
sanctifying love and the
light and guiding of Our
Holy Spirit. Pray ceaselessly
that the Father’s
word and love increasingly
grow in you and reach out
to others day by day.
It is written “…in
returning and rest you will
be saved, in quietness and
trust shall be your strength”.